Get Unlimited Access to a Ridiculously Effective Copywriting Software…So You Can Create Scripts For Videos, Emails, & Ads That Sell Like Crazy!

Watch the video below to learn how to NOT fail miserably with your videos, like most do... (& get a special one-time only offer!)

With Automatic Script, you’ll get unlimited access to engaging, high-converting scripts designed to increase your sales exponentially. The software includes the exact same formulas used by copywriting legends, so you get the absolute best scripts you’ll find anywhere. Normally, I charge my subscribers $444/year for this software. Today, I’m making it available to you for just a one-time payment of $97. No monthly or yearly fees at all. But this is a one-time offer, so you must act now...

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Hey, Mark here again—give me just a couple minutes of your time to tell you the #1 mistake I see new users making with videos. I promise you it’ll be well worth it.

So, let’s get right into it…the #1 mistake is that they expect videos to do all the selling for them.

That never works, because it’s the copywriting that actually does the selling. You can have the most amazing video in the world, but if you can’t explain to someone why they need what you’ve got, you’ll never make the sale.

Take the California Raisin Brand, for example, from way back In the 1980s. It created videos showing animated raisins singing soul music. The ads were hugely popular, and they sold over $200 million dollars in related merchandise.

But you know what they didn’t sell? Raisins. Once the campaign finally came to an end, raisin sales were lower than they were before the campaign. 

That’s because the copywriting missed the mark--it never convinced people why they should buy raisins.

And as the founder of PressPlay, that’s a mistake I see constantly. Users create videos that are fun to look at, but don’t make any money (or compel their viewers to take whatever action it is they want them to take) All because the copy doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do... Either it rambles or it doesn’t address buyer objections or it never answers the critical question of why someone needs what they’re proposing.

As a new PressPlay user, it’s super-important that you realize the video is just the vehicle that delivers the message—it’s the message that actually makes the sale.

That’s why I want to tell you about something that’ll make it ridiculously easy for you to create super-persuasive sales copy for your videos. It’s my Automatic Script copywriting software, and it works like this…

  • You open it up and find a copywriting script you like.

  • Then, you answer a few quick questions about your brand, click a button,

  • and instantly, you have a high-converting script for your first video.

And not just any script either. When I created Automatic Script, I turned to the masters. Six-figure copywriting legends who’ve sold hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of products with their words alone. 

What these guys know is that to be successful, copywriting needs to follow a specific formula…after all, it’s hard to get prospects to open their wallets. That’s why these writers created their own high-converting copywriting formulas that are designed to overcome buyer objections, so they can make the sale.

My software uses those exact same proven copywriting formulas for its scripts…meaning you’ll have access to the best, most effective sales scripts you’re going to find anywhere. 

That’s why my software is such a no-brainer.

  • Want to create an upsell video?

    You can do that with Automatic Script.

  • Looking to create a video sales letter?

    Again, it’s in there.

  • Want to select from video scripts designed specifically for our users?

    Yep, you guessed it—that’s in there too.

It doesn’t matter what you’re looking to sell either—my software has scripts designed to sell any product or service, regardless of the industry you’re in.

It’s got scripts to compel viewers to do whatever it is you want them to do. Attend a family reunion. Donate to a great cause. Whatever the case might be.

But that’s not all. I know most of you aren’t just relying on videos to reach your prospects, and you also need copy for stuff like Google
Adwords, emails, sales letters, Facebook ads, and even webinars. That’s in there too.

It doesn’t matter what you’re looking to sell either—my software has scripts designed to sell any product or service, regardless of the industry you’re in.

It’s got scripts to compel viewers to do whatever it is you want them to do. Attend a family reunion. Donate to a great cause. Whatever the case might be.

Now before I reveal the price, let me tell you why this is such an amazing deal. If you had to pay a copywriter to write all those scripts, it would cost you upwards of a hundred thousand dollars…but I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that …

Right now, I’m offering you a membership to Automatic Script for a one-time price of just $97—my subscribers pay $444 a year for that same access. You’ll get it for a one time price of $97. With no monthly or annual fees at all. Pay just once.

Think about that. You’ll get all the scripts that are in the software today PLUS all the new scripts we’re continually adding.

You’ll never have to sit staring at a blank screen struggling to write copy again. You can also say goodbye to overpriced copywriters...FOREVER.

But you have to act scroll below and click the button to get full access to Automatic Script right now. Once you place your order, you’ll get instant access to Automatic Script and PressPlay.

Let me break it down for you even further…By making a small one-time investment right now, you’ll get unlimited access to Automatic Script for a fraction of what I’m charging my current subscribers.

Create amazing sales copy just like the pros, using the same copywriting formulas they use to move hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of products. Use Automatic Script to create your first video script and the software will pay for itself in sales.

Again, you won’t find this offer available anywhere else—it’s only for new PressPlay subscribers. So get Automatic Script now by scrolling down and clicking on the button below.

Thanks again for your purchase of PressPlay--I look forward to seeing the amazing results you get with it!

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